''Professional and wholehearted legal help''
H. Sonie Sudarsono, S.H., M.Hum. born in Jakarta on September 12, 1970. He attended the Faculty of Economics of Indonesian Christian University (UKI), earned a Bachelor of Law at Krisnadwipayana University (UNKRIS). He holds a Master's degree in Law in Post-Graduate Program in Business Law at Faculty of Gajah Mada University in 2006 and continues the study of Law Enforcement Program (Litigation) and Legal Consultant (Non Litigation) Advocate and performs the power given directly by clients both inside and outside country through representatives of companies residing in Indonesia.
Experienced in dealing with problems in various fields including: Criminal Law by resolving problems through process in Police, Attorney or Court proceedings; Banking law; Company Law; Land Law (agrarian); Civil law; Bankruptcy Law and the process of auction execution.
Obtained a practice permit as Advocate since 2000 based on the Decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. MA / kumdil / 461 / X / 2000 and the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.D-08.KP.04.13 and Decision of the Chief Justice of DKI Jakarta High Court No.PTJ.PANKUM 606 / PH / 2000.
Pernah menjabat sebagai salah seorang pengurus bidang LITBANG di Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (DP AAI) dan perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI) serta Ketua Bidang Hukum di Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Assosiasi Pengusaha Jasa Penagihan Indonesia (APJAPI).He has served as a member of the LITBANG Board of Directors at the Central Board of the Indonesian Advocates Association (DP AAI) and the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI) as well as the Head of Legal Affairs at the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Billing Services Entrepreneurs Association (APJAPI).
Advocate Office Sonie Sudarsono & associates are assisted by Associates who are members of Advocates and Legal Consultants who are licensed by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia, Chairman of the Jakarta High Court, and registered with the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI) in accordance with Law No. 18/2003 on Advocates,
Advocates and lawyers and legal consultants who are members of advocate office of Sonie Sudarsono and Partners are law enforcement as provisions of Law No. 18/2003 on advocates who have integrity and proven experience. With the arrangement as follows:
Scope of Service Provider (Litigation and Non Litigation):
1. Banking, Financial Institution and Insurance;
2. Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment Obligations;
3. Auction Execution;
4. Debt Restructuring;
5. Defense (Agrarian) and Property;
6. Corporate Law
7. Trade Law
8. Arbitration;
9. PAsar Capital
10. Legal Audit (Legal Audit)
11. Legal Opinion, and Legal Drafting;
12. Investment or Investment, both PMDN and PMA;
13. Labor Law;
14. Immigration Law;
15. State Administration;
16. Intellectual Property Rights (Patent, Trademark, Copyrights, Industrial Design, Layout Design of Integrated Circuit, Trade Secret, Unfair Competition )
17. Other legal issues include the Penal Code.